WWR Class Reps
If anyone likes to know who has registered for the Worldwide Reunion, please call your class representative (s) to find out.
Year |
Class Rep |
1954 & Before |
Marie-Cecile Remedios |
1955 |
Juliana Shee Joe |
1956 |
Marie Louise Rocha Chang |
1957 |
Noellie Walton |
1958 |
Marita Shek Tang |
1959 |
Anna Regina Lee |
1960 |
Maria-Elena Prata Noronha |
1961 – 63 |
Margaret Chau Wong |
1964 |
Rebecca Woo Luk |
1965 – 66 |
Nora Ho Man |
1967 |
Patsy Chao |
1968 |
Lily Tse Choi |
1969 |
Irene Legay |
1970 |
Anne Cheng Tung |
1971 |
Patricia Ho Wu |
1972 |
May Lui |
1973 |
Eva Wong Wong / Winnie Wong Wong |
1974 |
Anita Cheong Lee |
1975 |
Ann Sin Chow |
1976 |
Gloria Yuen |
1977 |
Andrea da Rocha Steinhauser |
1978 |
Ilenna Tai |
1979 – 80 |
Angela Sun Au |
1981 – 89 |
Wendy Man |
1991 onwards |
Michelle Man |
MSS liaison : Marie Louise Rocha Chang
Updates on 8th MCS Worldwide Reunion and MCS Former Students (Ont.) 30th Anniversary
Wow! It’s already the end of March! Our 8th MCS Worldwide Reunion and MCS Former Students (Ont.) 30th Anniversary preparations are well underway.
Our committee started planning back in early 2012. We looked for a historic church for our Celebration Mass, a museum to welcome Maryknollers to our city and a hotel with a scrumptious menu for our Gala. We negotiated the best value possible for our event. We met over 20 times in 2012 and 2013 to iron out all the details. As time passes, we see our plan is coming into fruition. All our efforts are put together with one vision in mind: To Relive our Maryknoll Spirit Together as One.
Now, it is only four months away from our Big Weekend. Registrations from around the world are flying into our mailbox and our gmail box. We have passed our 200-registration mark. We would like your support to help make this event an even more successful and memorable one. Please call all your old Maryknoll friends and ask them to join us.
Read more: Updates on 8th MCS Worldwide Reunion and MCS Former Students (Ont.) 30th Anniversary
Thanks for attending the Memorial Mass for Sr. Rose Duchesne Debrecht
Please click the image to read the Thank You note.
Memorial Mass for Sr. Rose Duchesne Debrecht
Please click here for details.
Nancy Tong and Trailblazers in Habits
There is an article on Nancy Tong and her Trailblazers in Habits on South China Morning Post, March 11, 2014.
Click the image to read the article.
Notification of the Death of a Maryknoll Sister
Sister Rose Duchesne Debrecht
Date of Death: February 22, 2014
Sister has donated her body to Science
Vespers: Monday, March 3, 2014
3:00 PM 4th Floor Chapel
4:15 PM Maryknoll Sisters Main Chapel
Memorial Mass: Tuesday, March 4, 2014
11:00 AM Maryknoll Sisters Main Chapel
Funeral Coordinator Sr. Catherine Erisman
Thank you for sharing our loss and our gratitude for our Sister.
The obituary http://www.mcs.hk/foundation/documents/SrRoseDuchesne.pdf
WWR2014 Program__Day 1
August 1 (Friday)- optional
Please Click: A Day at Niagara : Scenery, Cuisine, Wine & Comaraderie
Sister Rose Duchesne, R.I.P.
"Dear Maryknollers,
Sister Rose Duchesne went to God around 5:20 or 5:30 this morning, 2014, February 22. The nurse found her and notified Molly and CLT and Rogers Coordinators etc. I got there around 5:40 as they came to get me.
Cathy Rowe was there with the above mentioned and were praying with her. We, then, went to get the Hong Kong/China sisters. We stayed with her until the Hospice Nurse arrived and then the medical examiner came as Rose had donated her body to science.
June, could you notify MSS as I do not have an e-mail address for them. The MSS primary principal is MSS graduate.
Rose had a very happy dialogue yesterday with the hospice nurse. She was alert and talking.
Love and prayers,
Sister Jeanne Houlihan"
Here is an interview of Sr Rose Duchesne by Nancy Tong.
December 2013 Newsletter
Please click here to read the newsletter.
- September 2013 Newsletter
- Thank you, Toronto
- Toronto Screening of "Trailblazers in Habits"
- Mother Mary Joseph Honored
- 2012 Maryknoll International Bazaar
- 2012 Maryknoll Motherhouse - Bazaar
- 2012 September Biennial General Meeting.
- Wendy Au (Class of 72) exemplifying the Maryknoll spirit
- The Scarborough Fair
- 2011 November Bingo Night cum AAA Dinner
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